Let us help you hire at jet speed.
We have 600+ Certified Dedicated Resources
200+ Resources Already Working in Leading US and European countries
Easy & Quick Resource Backup, Guaranteed
Chad Hammond
(Founding President at Legendary Consulting)
Get 15-day FREE Trial
This full 15-day trial is on us. Pay only if you’re satisfied. No strings attached.
Finding & deploying expert Salesforce developers to work on your project ‘really’ fast?
Not being sure if you get the backup and an option to scale on-demand?
Not knowing if you would get certified developers ready to work in your timezone?
Inferior support, lengthy hiring process and opaque operations?
We have a fully transparent operations and a pool of top-notch certified Salesforce Expert Developers for your mission critical projects
– available 24/5.
With us, you hire fast, hire right and stay on the course to deliver your mission-critical project on-time, everytime.
With a decade of experience, we’re a Salesforce Summit Partner trusted by Big4 and Fortune 500 companies.
All our Salesforce developers are seasoned and certified experts that best suit your business requirements.
You will get your work really fast – most times within 24 hours also get the best support from customer happiness team.
All the resources are available for any timezone. Plus, you can hire part-time or full-time,
and change anytime.
With a large bench pool in backup and easy replacements, you can scale your team on the go.
We’re committed to you. From hiring to work execution, with us you’ll get seamless experience
– every single minute.
I am highly satisfied with this engagement. They are truly professionals and I would definitely like to recommend them for other clients as well.
It’s been 18 months working with them.
Their team and the wonderful resources they provided to us go extra miles to address our requirements.
One of our Client Happiness Manager will contact you to understand your requirements and team dynamics.
We will match and introduce you to the best Salesforce Developers for interview.
New members of your team will start work on your project for a 15-day trial period (you’ll pay only if you’re satisfied).
Running short of time? Just drop a message on +1 3093167929 and we will get back at the earliest.