Productivity & Management

How to Become Productivity Master by Avoiding Multi-tasking

We all love multi-tasking, isn’t it? In fact all those who multi-task, get praised for their prized ability! But does this work? Is multitasking really help you get more things done in short time?

Consider this –

Texting while cooking the dinner
Sending emails during meetings
Listening our favourite music during driving

What do you think, will such habits help you get more things done at limited time? Thinking closely you would realize that multitasking doesn’t make us as productive as we think and even it can be harmful to our health. What’s more, it’s likely that the quality of our work is worse when we multitask.

So what could be that, which makes you a really Productivity Master? It is in fact, One Task A Time approach. You may like to consider following tips to help you get out of the multitasking habit and become a real Productivity Master —

# Breath. A deeeep breath.
Whenever you feel overwhelmed from your calls/emails/tasks, take a deep breath, and make all that works one by one.

# Put the devices down.
Our mind cannot be stick in single thing for a long time. For an example, If we heard some lines of our favourite music, our interest and mind are divert on that song.

# Shut off all notifications during performing imp tasks.
Whenever you are working on some imp task, just put your device in mute mode.

# Plan your day in specific blocks.
Set specific times for calls, answering emails, and doing research.

# Be where you are when you’re there.
Sometimes, we continuously do switching like – from one to another browser tabs, things which are happen to our workplace, to the devices on our desk and all that. This is happen at the time when you are in confusion about to some topic. You cannot focus at this time. So focus only and only your current task and give your complete attention to that. It will help to improve your productivity.

# Take attention to urgency.
There will be times when something urgent comes up and you can’t avoid interruptions. But instead of trying to multitask through these, stop and make a note of where you left your current task. Record any thoughts you had about how to move forward. Then deal with the immediate problem, before going back to what you were doing. This way you’ll be able to handle both tasks well, and you’ll leave yourself with some clues to help you restart the original task more quickly.

That’s it. 🙂

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